Of course Ryan might have had another goal: intentionally hurting Trump. twitter.com/Profepps/statu… With Hillary Ryan… twitter.com/i/web/status/7…
Of course Ryan might have had another goal: intentionally hurting Trump. twitter.com/Profepps/statu… With Hillary Ryan… twitter.com/i/web/status/7…
RT @kausmickey: Of course Ryan might have had another goal: intentionally hurting Trump. https://t.co/5Sxq1ku5qW With Hillary Ryan might g…
@kausmickey @SpeakerRyan Trump supporters are now considering a burn it all down initiative. Vote against all GOPers down ballot .
@kausmickey Ryan is blocking @DanaRohrabacher on THIS: https://t.co/SIYv6TRsbP
@kausmickey @SpeakerRyan on Hillary’s payroll.
@kausmickey The public won’t accept a Ryan-style amnesty from a Democratic president, nor will the GOP Congresses HRC will elect back it.
@kausmickey Open borders is a job for a Republican president and a Democratic Congress.
@kausmickey @SpeakerRyan did the same after Trump locked up the nomination, the next day had to do Tapper intv. Was deliberate to hurt Trump
@kausmickey @SpeakerRyan “Might”?
@kausmickey @SpeakerRyan And he’ll definitely get his TPP!
Once again, Robert Conquest provides the best explanation. GOP’s captured by Left. @SpeakerRyan’s part of a caba… https://t.co/0jPXr6Iqaq
@kausmickey Coordination? https://t.co/Ur0uWdCv4s Romney/Ryan togetherness and hit jobs.
@kausmickey Clear signs of COORDINATED #AntiTrumpCoupAttempt (drip-drop of “defections”). #DJTvoters WILL unelect #Ryan 11/8 or next primary
@kausmickey When Ryan didn’t endorse Trump in May, some GOPs were saying they didn’t understand him Now they must be furious with Ryan.
@kausmickey @SpeakerRyan Beginning to think Ryan sees job security with HRC as prez. Repub voters will have to keep Congress in R hands