MSM team players eagerly trying to promote a semi-apocalyptic GOP crackup hit first roadblock : twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
MSM team players eagerly trying to promote a semi-apocalyptic GOP crackup hit first roadblock : twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
@kausmickey They thought they’d push him out with a “cascade” of withdrawing politicians. I knew no one on twitter or Facebook leaving.
@kausmickey @GreatArtiste45 Apparently Ryan’s conference call with house GOP members didn’t go well. Lots of hostility directed at Ryan.
@kausmickey @Glaivester Roaring back. Nobody can stop him.
@kausmickey My grandma used to tell stories about towns in Poland daily changing signs to say either welcome Germany or welcome USSR!
@kausmickey YES! #Ryan should still be targeted for active vote against him @ 11/8 by #Trumpers & #TeaPartiers – with 0 risk to #GOPMajority
@kausmickey Already in danger of losing every vulnerable seat from Trump supporters retaliating. Even good ones have responsibility for Ryan