Readers: Do you want Trump to have a press conference? I don’t want Trump to have a press conference. a) Busy b) Fr… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
Readers: Do you want Trump to have a press conference? I don’t want Trump to have a press conference. a) Busy b) Fr… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
@kausmickey Why peril?
.@kausmickey can’t we have just a little peril?
@kausmickey No. NEVER. His tweets are enough for me along with the occasional rally or use of the bully pupit.
@kausmickey @jaketapper All Jake the Snake wants is a chance to mock PEOTUS. Trump communicates fine with me, I hear him loud and clear.
@kausmickey Who cares? CNN and NYT are just going to make up stories anyway and disregard facts. Let them make up stories without it.
@kausmickey @jaketapper Why should he ever hold a press conference?
@kausmickey @jaketapper what exactly are we missing by not having these press conferences? We are still getting info w/o leading questions
@kausmickey why should he? Social media allows him direct contact with the public….
@kausmickey I want one, but only if it is formal. So PEOTUS and press in tuxedoes or long dresses.
@kausmickey @jaketapper we dont need the msm. We can here from Trump everyday on new media. You are irrelevant Tapper. Nobody cares
@kausmickey Tbh I could see Jake Tapper luring Trump into a physical ambush if he were asked to. Not sure if answers your question doe
@kausmickey Twitter works fine
@kausmickey Prefer hour at same day/time each week for a direct broadcast and question-answer segment after on youtube/periscope/facebook
@kausmickey @jaketapper I don’t remember these nerds complaining when @HillaryClinton went almost a yr w/out a press conference.
@kausmickey @jaketapper Jake is salty.
@kausmickey @slone @jaketapper No press conference
@kausmickey I want him to keep tweeting to avoid MSM filter. Press confs are fine but he should boot journos w/ record of misrepresentation.
@kausmickey @slone screw MSM What have they done for us
@kausmickey @slone @jaketapper keep the negativity going…it’s working magic.
@kausmickey @slone We know what Trump’s doing because we follow him on Twitter/FB. We don’t care what MSM thinks about it. So no pc is OK.
@kausmickey @slone
I like the tweets
He lets us know he is speaking to us & for us always
@kausmickey No – the unformel contact works just fine
@kausmickey @slone @jaketapper no, I just want tweets. But they should come from @KellyannePolls rather than from @realDonaldTrump
@kausmickey @slone no…I’ve been hearing from him just fine through his Twitter @realDonaldTrump…
If he does have a press conference @CNN , @washingtonpost and @nytimes must be banned from it. @kausmickey @slone
@kausmickey @slone @jaketapper who cares he is working for the American people Ford stays carrier stays Americans keep jobs go DJT
@kausmickey @SirYussly No press conference! Screw the media!
Press room admittance should require wearing a morning suit. No beards or long hair. Their ladies may have tea while they wait.
@kausmickey @slone NO I DON’T, hrs doing fine on Twitter
@kausmickey @jaketapper Nah, just have Jake tweet his big earth shaking questions to Trump. Trump will tweet a reply to each.
@kausmickey @jaketapper no press conference needed with dishonest reporters like @CNN. Trump is very transparent and keeping us informed.
@kausmickey @jaketapper they need it but he doesnt
@kausmickey I follow Trump on Twitter. What do I need the MSM for? Let them justify their value-added for once.
@kausmickey Eff no. While we are at it, do away with the useless parasites known as “the Press Pool”
@kausmickey @jaketapper MSM only1s whining.Ppl dont need MSM/Dem echo chamber2intrepret incorrectly4us anymore
DJT uses 2way channel2ppl
@kausmickey @jaketapper I for one am still waiting for the tax returns!