No New Dreamers!

ConservativeTreeHouse has a point — about how Trump might want to avoid an MSM dramatization of the Plight of the Dreamers. But there are a lot of things Trump could do to defuse bad “optics” while still voiding Obama’s decree: e.g. Trump could focus on stopping any new work permits to undocumented “Dreamers,” while giving existing Dreamers whose work permits are expiring an extension of two or three months — or 6 months — while he tries to cut the “deal” he says he wants (which presumably would include formalizing Obama’s executive amnesty for “Dreamers” in exchange for … mandatory e-Verify? … an end to “chain” migration of non-immediate relatives, … a visa restriction to be named later?). The result: no MSM sob stories, but maximum Trump negotiating leverage (given the looming prospect of expiration).  …

This is so obvious that you have to assume it has occurred to Reince Priebus. If his advice is still for Trump to break his promise and leave Obama’s decree in place, it’s probably because he wants it to stay in place. …

— Mickey Kaus (@kausmickey) January 24, 2017

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