Mickey Kaus for U.S. Senate

06 Jun 2010

John & Ken Endorse Kaus for U.S. Senate

Influential L.A.-based talk radio hosts John & Ken have endorsed Robert M. "Mickey" Kaus for U.S. Senate in his challenge against three-term incumbent Barbara Boxer in the June 8 Democratic primary."

Their show is estimated to have a million listeners.

You can find the endorsement here.

"John & Ken have a longstanding interest in stopping illegal immigration and protecting American workers' wages," said Kaus. "They are skeptical of unchecked labor power, to say the least--especially the power of the teachers' unions. I thank them for their endorsement. I'm sure we disagree on a whole host of issues. They aren't exactly Democratic cheerleaders, but they aren't down-the-line conservatives either.

"I'm also sure they have lots of listeners who are either registered Dmocrats or 'decline to state' voters (who can vote in the upcoming Democratic primary by requesting a Democratic ballot).

"Imagine how effective a Democrat would be in the general election if he could support President Obama's health care plan while also appealing to common sense moderates and conservatives on immigration," Kaus said. "If a Democrat could win over even 20% of John & Ken's listeners in the election, he or she couldn't be beaten.

"Democrats give up the ability to do that when they require lockstep liberalism on immigration (insisting on an amnesty) and Big Labor (insisting on support for letting union organizers avoid the secret ballot).

Barbara Boxer couldn't do it even when she was a fresh face."

There is only one Democrat in the race who can do it.

P.S.: Kaus appeared on the John & Ken show on May 7, 2010. You can find the podcast here

— Mickey Kaus ( Mickey_Kaus@msn.com )



Kaus for Senate
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Venice, California 90291

(310) 577 3141

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