Kaus for Senate 24-Hour YouTube Challenge!
 A good idea, F.E.C. permitting ....
The election is 30 hours away. That leaves 24 hours for the Kaus for Senate campaign to stage its 24-hour YouTube ad contest!
At the Kaus for Senate campaign, we've done our best, video wise, creating these two compelling videos (imitating a famous North Woods Advertising spot for Paul Wellstone.) Now it's your turn. Here are the rules: 1. Make an ad for of whatever length you want and post it on YouTube by midnight, June 7, 2010.
2. Don't spend more than $20 making it. 3. Send the link to Mickey_Kaus @msn.com. Put "24-Hour Challenge" in the subject line. Include your name and address in the email. 4. The winner will get dinner at a prime Venice, California restaurant whenever he or she is next in town. Not clear who will be paying--see #5 below ... 5. Mandatory disclosure: A thorny issue. My copy of the FEC's regulations--which seem more unconstitutional the more I have to comply with them--require a disclosure if a communications is "authorized" by the campaign. Are these ads authorized? Beats me. I certainly don't control or approve the content. But I'm asking people to make them. It seems like a good example of a legitimate First Amendment activity that gets chilled simply because it falls between the cracks in the F.E.C.'s tedious regulatory structure.
I would add the disclosure on the bottom, just to be safe:
"Not authorized or paid for by Kaus for Senate. Created in response to a Kaus for Senate suggestion by [your web site address here]
But you have to take legal responsibility if the F.E.C. thinks that somehow a) a core political First Amendment exercise that b) raises little threat of corruption by money and c) honestly discloses everything voters might want to know still runs afoul of the law.
Of course, if the F.E.C. does sue, it's possible Justice Kennedy will disagree.
Which is why I don't think they'll sue.
Check back in 24 hours.