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Fear the Mad Duck! A Fantasy? (August 3, 2010 5:30 PM)
August 4, 2010 1:00 PM
 From: JohnBoy (john.ransom@raymondjames.com)
 Subject: re: Fear the Mad Duck! A Fantasy?
 As long as the Senate rules require 60 votes to close debate, I don't see 1) any Republicans going along with this, or 2) "moderate" Democrats taking another bullet for Obama.
Especially if the 2010 election is a blowout.
August 4, 2010 12:00 PM
 From: richard40 (richhampel@prodigy.net)
 Subject: re: Fear the Mad Duck! A Fantasy?
 To Markj:
Your threat is both empty and counterproductive. The dems dont fear violence, they want it. Any people storming capital hill would be brutally suppressed, and the resulting violence would be used by the dems to "prove" the Tea Parties extremism, and justify further repression.
Glenn Beck is right here. We need to follow the way of MLK and Ghandi, and win this fight peacefully, and at the ballot box.
If they pass any lame duck outrages, we dont channel the resulting outrage into violence, we channel it into getting even more seats, and the presidency in 2012, so we can then repeal everything.
Only if the dems become so dictatorial that change through elections is no longer possible, should we resort to revolution. At that point, since democratic change would no longer be possible, a majority would be willing to join us in a revolution.
August 4, 2010 11:00 AM
 From: Crunchy Frog
 Subject: re: Fear the Mad Duck! A Fantasy?
 You buried the lede yourself. The big news here is that Reid is admitting the Democrats are going to get hammered in November. Just last week Pelosi was going ballistic over someone in the Obama White House talking about losing seats in Congress - now Reid is acknowledging the same.
August 4, 2010 8:00 AM
 From: Great News (Ccltr309@gmail.com)
 Subject: re: Fear the Mad Duck! A Fantasy?
 Actually, There will be 6 new Senators at the opening of the lame duck session. Six states have governor appointed senators. When the elections are over, the Senators of these states take their seat immediately. There is a blog that discusses the laws and the states where this will occur.
August 4, 2010 7:00 AM
 From: MarkJ (mrkjaeger@yahoo.com)
 Subject: re: Fear the Mad Duck! A Fantasy?
 If Pelosi & Co. are actually bone-headed enough to try ramming through lame-duck legislation--and we can't underestimate their political deafness and stupidity--methinks there will be a citizen assault on Capitol Hill that will make the storming of the Petrograd Winter Palace look like an afternoon coffee klatch.
Hey, it'll be a "Tea-shevik Revolution!"
August 4, 2010 6:00 AM
 From: sickday
 Subject: re: Fear the Mad Duck! A Fantasy?
 The Senate barely passed HCR, even when it was wildly moderate, due to a combination of fear mongering and Senate inertia.
I'm now supposed to believe that much less popular initiatives are going to sail through if the Dems fail to lose big in November?
An interesting angle, but reaching.
August 3, 2010 9:00 PM
 From: wellbasically
 Subject: He might believe it
 Obama might have actually believed it could work, he's starting to show a Kerry-like ear for politics anyway.
More likely that the leftover Dems will have soiled their linen and will do nothing
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