Mickey Kaus for U.S. Senate

kausfiles.com Comments

Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation (August 8, 2010 10:30 PM)

August 12, 2010 5:00 PM

From: Harry Shearer

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

What does it say? It says that any voter experience of benefit from the new law is years away. How can you campaign on that? This is a reform that should have been taken on during the second term. The fact that it was achieved during the first may help to insure (along with unemployment and the war) that there won't be a second term.

August 10, 2010 9:00 PM

From: Robert

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

Michelle is the black Leona Helmsley!

August 10, 2010 7:00 PM

From: John H

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

#4 The Real Real Insider Reason: She knows his real birthday and it ain't Aug 4.

August 10, 2010 3:00 PM

From: dossier

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

I agree with DRW that it's likely she was over there to pass a message to someone. But to whom? DRW's linked article names two possibilities, both of whom were there when she was: 1) a Saudi prince, and 2) Jessie Jackson Jr. If her message was for the Saudi prince, I'd guess it had to do with bombing Iran, or not bombing Iran; if her message was for JJ Jr. I'd guess it was about getting a story straight between the President and JJ Jr.in case Blagojevich is found guilty and decides to spill his guts.

August 10, 2010 11:00 AM

From: rowley

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

TONE DEAF AND blind OPTICS won't work. A vacation with the family in Nogales, El Paso, Laredo, or Grand Isle would turn this around.

August 10, 2010 8:00 AM

From: JoeKidd (joekiddone@live.com)

Subject: Michelle Antoinette

Because of her husband, millions of Americans suffer . . . but the First Left Tackle was hungry. So on Sunday, she dined at the King of Spain's palace, with its dramatic cliff-top views of the sea. The Menu? Andalusian-style chilled gazpacho soup, chargrilled turbot, veal escalopes with mustard, Oriental rice with sauteed mushrooms, a Mallorca-style vegetable ratatouille, capped off with an exquisitely elegant dessert (she was still hungry) of sliced tropical fruits with I SCREAM!

August 10, 2010 6:00 AM

From: Joe Hill

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

I like the ugg boot commenters better. They were more readable.

August 10, 2010 5:00 AM

From: LincolnTf (lincolntf@netzero.com)

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

Come on. You're still pleased with passing a bill you never read, but that has already put our economy into worse shape than ever before? You, like so many of your corrupt and incompetent colleagues, don't take anything about your job seriously except re-election.

August 10, 2010 4:00 AM

From: Taylor (annsc14@hotmail.com)

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

Michelle Antoinette.

August 10, 2010 2:00 AM

From: Chris Vosburg (cvosburg@pacbell.net)

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

Oh Mickey, you have the smartest commenters ever!!!!

August 9, 2010 11:00 PM

From: Laura (laura@blumcollins.com)

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

When I think of the Obama administration taking away the vouchers from the underprivileged Washington D.C. school children, or President Obama telling people not to blow their money in Vegas and start to tighten their belts, or Michelle Obama urging people to vacation in the gulf...then she spends at least half a million in taxpayer money for a vacation in Spain?!? At the very least--all Liberals please acknowledge the hypocrisy. Then the Obama's should write a check for the whole trip. They can afford it. Then give those kids in DC their vouchers back. You should be outraged, really.

August 9, 2010 8:00 PM

From: KCL

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

That is so funny! I really enjoy hearing your thoughts on Ricochet! Hope you'll be on again soon.

August 9, 2010 8:00 PM

From: Wanderer (j.h.wright@utah.edu)

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

There's a great gulf between ye and me..... (1) Michelle is as tone-deaf as her husband. (2) I haven't had a vacation in years, too busy going to school and trying to feed a family. But someone who is married to someone who "works for me" is getting a vacation in Spain? Spending my tax money for security and services? (3) There's no resort somewhere in the U.S. that could use some of that vacation money to put Americans to work, or even back to work? Reality sucks, but this political couple is a wind-tunnel inlet!

August 9, 2010 7:00 PM

From: DRW (yuanwu000@aol.com)

Subject: Sixty Years On – Who Cares for the NHS?

National Health Service in Great Britain http://www.iea.org.uk/files/upld-release142pdf?.pdf

August 9, 2010 7:00 PM

From: DRW (yuanwu000@aol.com)

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

Maybe She is meeting secretly with prince Salman bin Abdelaziz, of Saudi Arabia. http://babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_url?doit=done&tt=url&intl=1&fr=bf-home&trurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.elmundo.es%2Felmundo%2F2010%2F08%2F06%2Fandalucia_malaga%2F1281082124.html&lp=es_en&btnTrUrl=Translate

August 9, 2010 7:00 PM

From: DRW (yuanwu000@aol.com)

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

If I were a spy master. I would say what a perfect way to pass on secrete information. Sure Michelle Obama is never frisked etc. So she can carry information, then pass in onto one of Her thirty friends that went with her on vacation when they reached Costa del Sol. In turn that person meets his contact, then passes the information. Not saying this happened. However it would work.

August 9, 2010 4:00 PM

From: jms (schulien@speakeasy.net)

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

Any speculation on who really wears the pants in that relationship?

August 9, 2010 3:00 PM

From: Max

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

I'm torn between Michelle Antoinette and Eva Peron v2.0 on this one.

August 9, 2010 2:00 PM

From: John

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

4. Real Real Insider: She know's his real birthday and this ain't it.

August 9, 2010 1:00 PM

From: fern st albert (beauger@telusplanet.net)

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

If this had been the only "vacation" for the 2010 year, then maybe it deserves a pass - apparently she's had several and still has another scheduled for Martha's Vineyard. Nice job - eat, drink and charge it the American taxpaper. When she runs for Congress (and yes she will), she will be primed to carry on her profligate ways. Entitled to her entitlements. Cheers.

August 9, 2010 1:00 PM

From: David Gilbert

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

Thank you for making a point to my children for me. I was telling them why dad couldn't afford health care. Ms. Obama could have paid their health care for the next 8 years with what she spent on her vac. Also, thank you for being honest about how you see this news item. I guess the guy with a "R" after his name will win after all.

August 9, 2010 1:00 PM

From: Tish C (letitia.conway@gmail.com)

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

It appears both His oneness and Our Lady of Perpetual Dissatisfaction were saying "screw you" to the American taxpayer

August 9, 2010 1:00 PM

From: Fred

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

You're a liar Mickey! Head on over to the following for the truth, if you can handle it!: //thinkprogress.org/2010/08/09/michelle-vacatoin/

August 9, 2010 1:00 PM

From: Dunce Biden (jprestidge@gmail.com)

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

Michelle Antoinette to America: "let them eat Paella"

August 9, 2010 12:00 PM

From: mcnorman (ng4779@yahoo.com)

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

Maybe he asked her for the "best" present she could ever give him and she obliged.

August 9, 2010 12:00 PM

From: Daniel

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

4. New Paradigm: Michelle's elite vacation and the $2-to-$3 million dollar Chelsea wedding are appropriate manifestations of what truly interests the leaders of the Party Who Expect Us Slobs to Still Believe the Republicans are the Party of the Rich and Heartless.

August 9, 2010 12:00 PM

From: hughglass

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

Unsophisticated She's an AH Sophisticated He's an AH Real Insider They're both AHs

August 9, 2010 12:00 PM

From: Th_Ph (thompharmakis@yahoo.com)

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

I think the simplest explanation - why it was scheduled during BO's birthday and the reason she took along 40 of her closest friends - is that the trip was originally planned as a birthday bash for BO. HE foresaw the PR fallout and wisely begged off. SHE, on the other hand, wasn't givin' up her damn Spain trip.

August 9, 2010 11:00 AM

From: Greg Q (gregq@live.com)

Subject: re: The Dog That Didn't Focus Group

Mickey, I like you, and for a liberal you are usually reasonable. But when your idea of "a historic achievement" is "We can fix it later if necessary", you've got a serious problem. Do it right the first time, or don't do it at all at the Federal level. Period. What's that you say? No state can do it right? Then neither can, and neither WILL, the Feds. Make the world a better place. Don't screw it up by pushing a policy that you KNOW will be a failure.

August 9, 2010 11:00 AM

From: Phd (pierred@apte.com)

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

They don't give a damn about "optics". Either in the matter of their ostentatious vacations with the rich and famous, or about their legislative agenda. It's about "get it all now". No sensitivity whatsoever.

August 9, 2010 11:00 AM

From: tom swift (bigdirigible@bigdirigible.com)

Subject: re: The Dog That Didn't Focus Group

An historic achievement? In what sense? The US isn't the first country to dive down the socialist toilet. Now, if a crap bill actually DOES get "fixed later," THAT might be an historic achievement. It seems a pretty safe prediction that it will never happen. We can only kill it dead, like Prohibition, or suffer with it in perpetuity.

August 9, 2010 11:00 AM

From: Deoxy (NotRequired@NotRequired.com)

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

Salesmanship? It's not about salesmanship! Sure an amazing salesman could sell a yard brownie to an idiot, but sooner or later, the idiot will TASTE the "brownie", and really REALLY hate the result. They passed it, and now we finally (as Nancy Pelosi ridiculously said) get to find out what is actually in it... and, oddly enough, people don't like eating crap. The selling part is done. Now it's down to actual taste. If you actually like crap, well, there's not much I can do to help you.

August 9, 2010 11:00 AM

From: marco73

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

These toney vacations aren't helping Obama's image. I'd suggect that Michelle should have vacationed somewhere along the Gulf of Mexico. It would be good for gulf state businesses to show that the beaches are open. She could visit some of the affected regions also, and rub shoulders with good ole working Americans, and maybe even save some turtles or something! Even if one of the racist Tea Party folks showed up, she could turn that into a teaching moment on tolerance. Sure there could be some potential downside, but the upside would be huge. Isn't there anyone in the administration that thinks about this stuff?

August 9, 2010 11:00 AM

From: AK

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

The President and First Lady taking separate vacations - even on his birthday - doesn't even occur to me as an issue. The issues here are (1) the taxpayer expense of a trip of suspect importance, (2) the aloof elitism of the Obamas in a time of economic turmoil, and (3) the Obama's failure to throw some business to Americans. The President and First Lady not vacationing together is not an issue. Traveling all over the world (or not) separate from the First Family is basically in the President's job description.

August 9, 2010 10:00 AM

From: Crunchy Frog

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

There were years in which the best birthday present my wife could have given me was her absence for a couple weeks. Who says this wasn't his idea?

August 9, 2010 10:00 AM

From: Mike_K (michaeltkennedy@mac.com)

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

I'm beginning to believe the stories that he doesn't care about a second term although it does remind me of a story. My mother had an uncle who was always afraid of looking foolish if he ran for a streetcar and arrived just as it pulled away. Instead, he would walk slower and slower as he approached the streetcar, as if to show he didn't care if he caught it or not. That is what Obama looks like to me. "Will you still love me if I do this to you ?"

August 9, 2010 10:00 AM

From: MarkJ (mrkjaeger@yahoo.com)

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

"Wow. ... I'm still in favor of the bill that passed. It's a historic achievement. (We can fix it later if necessary.)" Gee Mickey, you're now in full "we had to destroy the village to save it" mode. Take one look at this chart and you'll hopefully realize there is "no fixing the unfixable." http://cdn.ihatethemedia.com/wp-content/uploads/house-democrats-health-plan-chart.jpg Here's my cunning plan, Mickey: just repeal this damn abortion of a bill and implement something more rational, intelligent, and understandable in its place. What's so hard to understand about that?

August 9, 2010 10:00 AM

From: Joe

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

What about all those people who can't afford a vacation this year, let alone 8, because they are severely underwater on their homes and are using every penny they have to get out from under their massive debtload? Michelle's actions piss this group of people off...

August 9, 2010 10:00 AM

From: RainerK

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

@ Egocrata I had no idea the first lady's job is Secretary of State or any other political office. Is she accountable in any way and to whom?

August 9, 2010 10:00 AM

From: bruce (bpbruce7886@sbcglobal.net)

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

This recession won't be over till 2012, and we'll come out of it a 2nd world country with no industrial base thanks to Michelle Obama's husband and pals. So what's she waiting for? If I faced a DC August, I'd be tempted to vacation in Antarctica.

August 9, 2010 10:00 AM

From: Taylor (annsc14@hotmail.com)

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

Michelle Antoinette.

August 9, 2010 9:00 AM

From: Jim Tynen (jim.tynen@gmail.com)

Subject: re: the dog that didn't focus group.

I was a liberal. Long time ago. The health bill is a failure by liberal standards. It does nothing for the needy. Big Pharm and Big Medicine might do OK. And bureaucrats and unionized service workers will cash in. Also, a 2,000-page bill can't be fixed. It's like the Robert Taylor Homes in Chicago, the high-rise public housing that had to be razed

August 9, 2010 9:00 AM

From: FedUp

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

"We can always fix it later." It's the same excuse everytime the feds pass some retarded piece of legislation. Well, things don't "get fixed later" in Washington. They don't get fixed ever, which is why we're in such dire straits. I am afraid it is time for the second American revolution. The federal government has abdicated its responsibility, and therefore its right to exist.

August 9, 2010 9:00 AM

From: Eric Johnson

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

On healthcare, you still don't get it. You, apparently, never will. That's as good a reason as any why you have no business being a Senator. A true believer rube is easier to stomach than a reasonable rube.

August 9, 2010 9:00 AM

From: Robert Thorpe (Patriot@ReclaimLiberty.us)

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

Mrs. Obama's vacation to Spain will cost taxpayers well over $400,000... probably money borrowed from China. With record spending and $1 trillion deficits, federal debt to GDP at 61% and climbing and the national debt interest payment of $1.1 billion per day, do the American people really need to have this lavish expense added to our dismal fiscal plight? Perhaps Mrs. Obama will bring a large dessert filled "doggie-bag" back from Spain for the 8 million unemployed Americans who wonder if they have enough money for bread... then she can simply say to them: "Here... let them eat cake!" Robert Thorpe is author of "Reclaim Liberty - 3 Step Plan for Restoring our Constitutional Government" www.ReclaimLiberty.us

August 9, 2010 9:00 AM

From: Taz (no@way.net)

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

Maybe there is more to her "vacation" Hmmmm. http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2010/08/06/andalucia_malaga/1281082124.html Varias casas reales árabes también pasan sus veranos en Marbella desde hace años. Así, habrá un encuentro entre Michelle Obama y el príncipe Salman bin Abdelaziz, gobernador de Riad y hermano del fallecido Rey Fahd de Arabia Saudí; mientras que se baraja otra reunión de la primera dama con el propietario del Málaga CF, empresario multimillonario, hijo del ministro del Interior de Qatar y miembro de la familia real qatarí, Abdullah Al Thani. “Several arab royal families spend their summers in Marbella for years now. So, there will be a meeting between Michelle Obama and Prince Salman bin Abdelaziz, governor of Ryadh and brother of deceased King Fahd of Saudi Arabia while there is word of a meeting between the First Lady and the owner of Malaga CF, multimillionaire son of the Minister of the Interior of Qatar and member of the Qatari royal family, Abdullah Al Thani.”

August 9, 2010 9:00 AM

From: Egocrata (darkday6@hotmail.com)

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

Or she is using a vacation as a soft diplomacy tool to recover the trust of an ally that was repeatedly snubbed by the Bush administration, without having to send the president to stand by Zapatero, a Prime Minister with plenty of domestic trouble. You know, something fairly obvious.

August 9, 2010 7:00 AM

From: Leandro (lmoliva@gmail.com)

Subject: re: Three Levels of Michelle's Vacation

You're joking, right?

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