kausfiles.com Comments
Cruze or Lose (August 15, 2010 8:25 PM)
August 26, 2010 11:00 AM
From: Lisa (none@example.com)
Subject: re: Cruze or Lose
Chevy Malibu: union built, one of the top 3 cars in its class.
Porsche/BMW/Mercedez Benz: all union built. No one thinks they're subpar.
August 24, 2010 6:00 PM
From: cassandra (caroljm36@msn.com)
Subject: Fred
You're right, he's not writing these. In fact it would be stupid for any public figure to write his own Tweets or Facebook entries. All it takes is one "potatoe" to lose stature, and plenty of very bright people are not all that literate. Take you, Mickey - still can't get that "it's/its" thing straight, can you?
(I was called a scrunt at Ace for suggested Sarah Palin doesn't write her own Facebook entries. Still smartin' from that!)
August 22, 2010 6:00 AM
From: Mark
Subject: re: Cruze or Lose
Hello Micky,
Thank you for commenting on GM' viablility.
I love it when a Washington journalist annouces from on high that now GM is viable. Thank you Obama! If big boy Buffett starts scooping up the new GM stock(don't hold your breath) I will lean towards their viability. I don't really have any idea if GM is viable. I would have to compare their R&D, facilities, patents, workforce and labor contracts with those of other automakers. Until I'm am certain that EJ Dionne or Margaret Carlson have done that I'll stay on the sidelines.
August 19, 2010 4:00 PM
From: luxurytwist
Subject: Thompson on Twitter
Fred's Tweets really are too good to be true. Who on the right has that kind of wit? The better jokes remind me of your friend Ann... which would also explain how you came across this little gold mine... hmmm.
August 17, 2010 10:00 AM
From: privatedude (iwontsay@justbecause.com)
Subject: re: Cruze or Lose
Hey Mickey, stop cheerleading for the Republicans. You ran in the primary as a Democrat. TIME TO GET BEHIND THE CANDIDATE THE VOTERS CHOSE!! (Or are you back to just observing and blogging again?)
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