Mickey Kaus for U.S. Senate

kausfiles.com Comments

Do We Want Money Equality or Social Equality? (September 15, 2010 1:45 PM)

September 17, 2010 12:00 AM

From: Steve Sailer (SteveSlr@aol.com)

Subject: re: Do We Want Money Equality or Social Equality?

It seems like as if are two separate trends going on that get subsumed under the idea of "growing income inequality:" the rich (especially, the top 0.1%) getting richer and poor (or at least the relatively poor) getting more numerous. The rich getting richer is bad because it leads to plutarchy. You'll notice that ideas that don't appeal to the rich, like tariffs, immigration restriction, or interest rate limits are now wildly unpopular in the press. This allows the super rich to push policies that making them even super richer. On the other hand, the economic impact of the super rich getting super richer on the middle class is limited. Consider housing prices. For example, how much Los Angeles land does Steven Spielberg live on? A lot more than I do, but, relative to our incomes, proportionally less. In other times and places, such as 19th Century England or Mexico before the 1910 revolution, the super rich wound up with huge land holdings. But in 21st Century America, the superrich don't like to live like William Randolph Hearst. They like to live near other superrich people, so they tend to crowd in together. From reading the Hot Property column in the LA Times for years, I'd guess that the median Hollywood celebrity lives on about an acre of land. Consider other costs of middle class life, such as schools. Do middle class parents pull their kids out of schools where the Spielbergs send their kids? No. Do the Spielberg kids hanging out at the local park make it unsafe for my kids to hang out there? Nah.

September 16, 2010 7:00 PM

From: BCP (beercanpolitics@verizon.net)

Subject: Another vote for you for Senator (of New York)

Mickey: FYI. I worked as a Suffolk County Elections Inspector here on Long Island New York. So I had to use an absentee ballot because I was working the polls in another location. In the Democratic primary I did a write in vote for Senator and I put your name down. Now I know you are not legally allowed to run here. But, I just viewed it as an "undocumented" candidacy.

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