19 Is Stephanopoulos that beloved? $105M worth? I don’t get it. pge.sx/1Hrb7K9 Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey what’s not to get, it’s buying access. ..same old game
@kausmickey It’s access and snuggliness. They take care of HRC’s friend…
@kausmickey I’ll do his job for 500K a year.
@kausmickey probably thought it would ensure friendly relations with the new Clinton White House.
@kausmickey Seems like a lot, but Lauer makes $20M/yr. Morning shows much more lucrative than evening news shows.
@kausmickey he’s irrelevant and doesn’t influence anyone outside of the Leftist MSM bubble
@kausmickey They are trying to have more influence over Geo. than the access he buys from the Clintons– Mommy & Daddy.
.@kausmickey well, Hillary must see this and think “$75,000? WTF?!”
@kausmickey Monopoly money. Typically not disclosed unlike CEO pay. No one cares.
@kausmickey @fredsgarden Gov O’Malley, Democrat, “We’ve always found him to be fair.” Really? A Dem’ shill being fair in a debate?
@kausmickey He knows where all the bodies are buried, who they are and who killed them.
@kausmickey @fredsgarden/ He is a Clinton liberal – so sure. If he were a Reagan Republican he would have never got the job!
@kausmickey $105MM to host an increasingly irrelevant show watched by an increasingly unimportant demographic. Seems nuts.
@kausmickey @fredsgarden I’m not sure people really care one way or another.