24 Man, if this is the best they have against Walker (“scapegoating toothless trade unions”) he’s in great shape wpo.st/eE2S0 Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey Next to Hillary, Walker has to be the most vetted candidate ever.
@kausmickey Milbank serves up milktoast.
@kausmickey But he can B doing better. He has 2 use the latest events: attack in TN, the murder in San Francisco, etc. So far, he’s boring
@kausmickey “Weak tea” was my first thought on reading that Milbank column. “He’s not McCarthy but I’ll draw the comparison anyway”.
.@kausmickey @Milbank @ScottWalker didn’t #VeronaTranscripts and other KGB archives prove Sen Joe McCarthy initially correct? @RedScareBot
@kausmickey WOW, Walker really does unhinge liberals-equated to Joe McCarthy??-best argument yet for Walker2016
@kausmickey @Milbank he’s got a proven record.
@kausmickey @Milbank You wish. They’ve got a hell of a lot more on him. He’s dishonest to the core.
@kausmickey It’s the same kind of attacks the hippies who don’t like Walker use. It’s weak. Trump is obviously a Democrat.