Term “anchor babies” survives @NYT “myth” busting in good shape. (There are “closer to” 300,000, not 400,000!) nyti.ms/1Jqxo9A
Term “anchor babies” survives @NYT “myth” busting in good shape. (There are “closer to” 300,000, not 400,000!) nyti.ms/1Jqxo9A
@kausmickey To be clear, it’s 300,000 babies per year, down from 400,000 babies per year, due to the US economy. Right? @NYT
@kausmickey @NYT I’m voting for Trump because of illegals! The liberals are wrong yet again!
@kausmickey @NYT I don’t put much stock in anything from the NYT. They’re nothing but a mouthpiece for the left and their asinine policies.
@kausmickey Wasn’t DAPA meant to address the “mythical” anchor baby problem? http://t.co/jGedf7FRu7
@kausmickey @daveweigel @NYT These welfare anchors are dragging us under. Trump will end this illegal occupation of our country.
@kausmickey @NYT I like the misleading and inaccurate conflation of the Western Hemisphere with the Americas; no editors anymore, I guess
@kausmickey @NYT And with “family reunification” in force, apply multiplier
@ChanceBGardener @kausmickey @NYT Especially since we and Canada r the only developed western nations to allow birthright citizenship.
@kausmickey @daveweigel @NYT sorry, there r 500,000,extrapolate into 14 relatives who use that anchor 2 drag themselves onto shore 4 good.
@kausmickey @NYT Anchors away! Go Trump Go!