Someone convince me Obama pulling troops from Iraq wasn’t an epic mistake. Having trouble convincing myself realclearpolitics.com/articles/2015/…
Someone convince me Obama pulling troops from Iraq wasn’t an epic mistake. Having trouble convincing myself realclearpolitics.com/articles/2015/…
@kausmickey I got nothing.
@kausmickey u voted 4 it
@kausmickey Overthrowing Gaddafi was an epic mistake.
@kausmickey Pulling some was probably alright, but he pulled way too many. He knew it was wrong, put he did it for political reasons.
@kausmickey hillary co-signed that. wonder what mr. colin powell thinks of the iraq troop pullout now.
@kausmickey ugh sad. You have to admit it looked right at the time, nothing we did there was working
@kausmickey @OccupyBawlStree I can’t think of a reasonable argument it wasn’t an epic mistake.
@kausmickey we would be spending billions and having American troops continue to be killed. The Iraqi Army was never going to be ready.
@kausmickey Could have prevented ISIS capture of territory in Iraq – at significant cost – but Syria – are you fighting there, too? And is
@kausmickey the Iran agreement possible under those circumstances, or is President Trump waging war in Iran, Iraq, & Syria simultaneously?
@kausmickey If you’re willing to accept damage limitations, we could have done more in Iraq – but underlying the failure there is the
@kausmickey inability across the Bush & Obama administrations to build a competent Iraqi Army. Pessimistic about future efforts.
@kausmickey A smart blogger’s phrase has stuck with me: ppl frustrated by “endless, inconclusive wars” http://t.co/6MKhSGYkRx I still agree
@kausmickey the issue you fail to mention is that America’s appetite for our own boots on the ground had ceased…
@kausmickey …look at how few men have been lost since
@kausmickey @Eric_J_Moore The U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement was signed by George W. Bush in 2008.
@kausmickey http://t.co/SMvyyhTxNg