This seems quite wrong. Trump has issues (not just immig but protect Soc Sec and tax WS) main rivals don’t have newyorker.com/news/news-desk…
This seems quite wrong. Trump has issues (not just immig but protect Soc Sec and tax WS) main rivals don’t have newyorker.com/news/news-desk…
@kausmickey “Euro Right” with all its attendant infelicities. Yuck!
@kausmickey @RyanLizza it’s simply wishful thinking. That debate won’t have a major impact on the race except for ending @ScottWalker
@kausmickey Trump opens flood gates of everyday Americans’ frustration with not being “allowed” to debate Islamic terror #religionofpeace
@kausmickey @RyanLizza Have we awakened the sleeping Jeb yet? And his treasure chest of negative political ads.
@kausmickey And reverse free trade. I think you understate the extent Trumpism rejects the post-’80s centre-Left/Right economic consensus.
@kausmickey In particular, no sign he accepts secular-stagnation idea that immig. is the only lever pullable to reverse mid-class decline.
@kausmickey Charles Peters countenanced Detroit protection in ’83 http://t.co/DDrB0u4TAo but that’s dated even for US neoliberalism, no?
@kausmickey Certainly by the ’90s the Clinton administration was out fighting for NAFTA and the Uruguay round.