Does lazy charge of “racial demagoguery” prevent lib media (HuffPo/Buzzfeed/NY/TNR) from grokking full Trump appeal? nymag.com/daily/intellig…
Does lazy charge of “racial demagoguery” prevent lib media (HuffPo/Buzzfeed/NY/TNR) from grokking full Trump appeal? nymag.com/daily/intellig…
@kausmickey No. There’s no inconsistency between an understanding of how racial and ethnic anxieties affect wwc and how it can also find
@kausmickey Trump an attractive candidate. Quite the opposite. Any American historian would tell you that, too.
@kausmickey @intelligencer Yes. Their paradigm has the tensile strength of spun sugar
@kausmickey A complete lack of contact with reality prevents them from grokking pretty much anything, particularly about non-left.
@kausmickey most of it is actual “racial demagoguery”.
@kausmickey @jonathanchait what does “grokking” mean? I’m serious.
@kausmickey @intelligencer You assume an honest effort. Everything put out about Trump is desperate propaganda
@kausmickey @intelligencer I don’t see why it would; they engage in racial demagoguery all the time.