Karl Rove sez he doesn’t want his son 2 have 2 “make beds in Las Vegas.” Isn’t that elite snootiness CM talking abt? twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
Karl Rove sez he doesn’t want his son 2 have 2 “make beds in Las Vegas.” Isn’t that elite snootiness CM talking abt? twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
RT @kausmickey: Karl Rove sez he doesn’t want his son 2 have 2 “make beds in Las Vegas.” Isn’t that elite snootiness CM talking abt? https:…
@kausmickey Nice slam at Marco Rubio’s mother, Oriales (née Garcia) Rubio, who was a housekeeper in Las Vegas
@kausmickey Nutshell version of GOP Civil War: work makes the man vs. status makes the man.
@kausmickey Someone had sex with Rove?
@kausmickey Youre saying a women actually mated with Karl Rove?