This was v-odd-@CBSNews? Did any other candidate get a little chart portraying them as tough on their weakest issue? twitter.com/AJDelgado13/st…
This was v-odd-@CBSNews? Did any other candidate get a little chart portraying them as tough on their weakest issue? twitter.com/AJDelgado13/st…
RT @kausmickey: This was v-odd-@CBSNews? Did any other candidate get a little chart portraying them as tough on their weakest issue? https:…
@kausmickey @CBSNews @LandmanMarius Yes, I’ve been wondering about that whole thing. The chart showed up before Rubio gave his full answer.
@kausmickey @CBSNews @AJDelgado13 @TheLastRefuge2 And they say media collusion is just crazy talk.
@kausmickey @CBSNews I watched all the other clips of Rubio… he was definitely reading notes during that question – seemed nervous.
@kausmickey @CBSNews @germanrlopez — Vox should follow up the debate audience article with something on this
@kausmickey @CBSNews @AJDelgado13 @TheLastRefuge2 RUBIO IS FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT. NOT THE VOTERS!
@kausmickey @CBSNews @AJDelgado13 @TheLastRefuge2 It should have listed all members of gang of 8!
@kausmickey @CBSNews …apparently not…plus the issue of rubio being prepared for it
@kausmickey @CBSNews If there was any question about who the Libs want to run against, this answers it. Hillary would crush MR like a grape.