.@MariaBartiromo something of a hero here-points out that immig control IS anti-poverty strategy. Ryan uncomfortable breitbart.com/big-government…
.@MariaBartiromo something of a hero here-points out that immig control IS anti-poverty strategy. Ryan uncomfortable breitbart.com/big-government…
@kausmickey @MariaBartiromo @BreitbartNews This at heart of grass roots uproar w ESTB.In sourcing H1B steel hightech.OPEN BORDER steal rest
@kausmickey @MariaBartiromo :: Ryan has sold his soul. It will take a Trump presidency to curb immigration. Establishment must fall!
@kausmickey @MariaBartiromo @BreitbartNews I have learned to deal with Obama hating the American worker but Ryan still turns my stomach.
. @kausmickey @MariaBartiromo @GeorgeEliseo because of lower wages/fewer jobs AND because of massive welfare drain. We are ALL poorer.
@kausmickey @MariaBartiromo @PRyan Put visa caps on your agenda. Listen to your constituents. 92% want limits on immigration.