Why isn’t Arizona a better case study (of negative effects of illegal immigration on wages) than the Marielitos? on.wsj.com/1nZ9Piu
Why isn’t Arizona a better case study (of negative effects of illegal immigration on wages) than the Marielitos? on.wsj.com/1nZ9Piu
@kausmickey that is a good question..it looks like to me that since they are mostly effected a report should be conducted there.
.@kausmickey Maybe @WSJ thinks that it is unusual to increase immigration w/o getting economic boost from increased drug trafficking.
@kausmickey Now that Mexican illegals are gone from AZ, impossible to find a decent threadbare tire for your beater.
@kausmickey 1947-1979, the wages of a meat packer incr 80%, to $40K/yr. 1979-2012, decl 30%, to $27K [inflat adj]
@kausmickey Meatpacking is now a job Americans won’t do; hard unpleasant work, dangerous, cold. Once was sought after, high-paying job.
@blkndy @kausmickey A 2012 butcher doesn’t do nearly the work a 1979 butcher did due to mechanization, packing, supply chain.
@blkndy @kausmickey No mention that immigrants (legal and illegal) are taking these jobs in Iowa.
That’s why it has sanctuary counties
@kausmickey Before the “bracero program”, CA farm worker wage was 90% of industrial wage, when ended ’64 was 40%.
@kausmickey Good discussion here of low skilled jobs & immig. This is the best site for #H1B info, prof Matloff blog
@blkndy @kausmickey @nytimes and then the meat packers retrained to become computer programmers.
@blkndy @kausmickey Used to pick apples.Since Mexicans came, wages dropped 28% adjusted for inflation. Now, owners will not even hire Anglos
@blkndy @k_mcq @kausmickey @nytimes Meat packing plants hire illegal labor or third world refugee labor here in the states.
@blkndy VIVA LA RAZA!!! @instapundit @kausmickey
@blkndy @instapundit @kausmickey What happened to the number of meat packers?
@blkndy @instapundit @kausmickey …and what happened to the productivity of the average meatpacker?
@blkndy @AnnCoulter @kausmickey were you guys out to dinner or something where were you? Muzzles in Cuba now
@blkndy @kausmickey Didn’t even have to go China for this. Of course, illegals only to jobs Americans refuse to do.
@blkndy @AnnCoulter @kausmickey $27K to non-tax paying illegal is not bad.
@blkndy @AnnCoulter @kausmickey so what? likely supply and demand. Or automation.
@blkndy @kausmickey
That is due to the rise of corporatism.
@blkndy @AnnCoulter @kausmickey
I am surprised we are paying the illegal aliens that much. But then we imported them to lower wages.
@John__Michaels @blkndy @kausmickey @nytimes Then Cruz voted against Sessions amndmnt to halt H1-Bs & introduced … https://t.co/bF0Km9O74b
@blkndy @AnnCoulter @kausmickey
FDR came up with the WPA, Trump can come up with a self-sustaining one. Bet?
@blkndy @AnnCoulter @kausmickey Immigration and unfettered free trade has decimated the middle class, which has been the plan since 1945.