27 Rubio on Breitbart: : “We don’t even credential them to our events.” Who does he think he is, Twitter? Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related Does Rubio think it's to his credit that he doesn'...February 20, 2016In "Twitter"Rubio represented everything Breitbart opposes, K...October 25, 2016In "Twitter"Interview Transcript Proves Rubio Promised Hispani...February 14, 2016In "Twitter"
@kausmickey More importantly, does he think he’s a natural born citizen when neither parent was a citizen when he was born?
@kausmickey There are a lot of Rubio supporters on BB. Strange he would say this but even stranger still is being architect of Gang of 8.
@LagunaTina @kausmickey …at age 8. @marcorubio is now 12 and wears big boy underwear.