In ’92 not many wld have said “welfare reform” was “nation’s top issue.” Yet it elected Clinton b/c it set him apart. Same w/ immig & Trump
In ’92 not many wld have said “welfare reform” was “nation’s top issue.” Yet it elected Clinton b/c it set him apart. Same w/ immig & Trump
@kausmickey Yeah, GOP is doing its best to deny it, but it’s the immigration, stupid: https://t.co/6Ex20P0AsZ
@kausmickey Clinton elected due to recession. Welfare reform came about b/c economy grew post-cap gains tax cut. But, nothing matters.
@kausmickey “Worst economy in 50 years” pandering got him elected.
@kausmickey Cruz & Rubio shld have tried to co-opt immig 6 months ago (altho nobody wld hv blieved Rubio)
@kausmickey Mickey, I think it was more Healthcare that elected Billy. It was a big issue then too.
Its much the same issue: Working Americans are being played for chumps.