“Trump isn’t quite as rich as he says he is!” Think you’ve finally found the winning anti-Trump message, @NRO. twitter.com/NRO/status/702…
“Trump isn’t quite as rich as he says he is!” Think you’ve finally found the winning anti-Trump message, @NRO. twitter.com/NRO/status/702…
@kausmickey @NRO What a dumpster fire the National Review has become.
@kausmickey @NRO NRO: bad neocons, even worse elitists
@kausmickey @NRO Is this really the best the anti-trump group can do? I mean really? His tax returns? What is there to see? Numbers?
@kausmickey @NRO @realDonaldTrump Isn’t the issue that he exaggerates everything?
@kausmickey @nro Indeed, even @BillKristol has more money than @realDonaldTrump. Bill, please prove us wrong.
@kausmickey @NRO You NRO guys just don’t get it #outoftouch
@kausmickey @NRO @realDonaldTrump attacking and deflating Trump’s ego doesn’t feel like a bad play to me
@kausmickey @NRO Say it ain’t so. You mean @realDonaldTrump may only be worth $5B and not $10B? No one cares. He is a billionaire!
@kausmickey @NRO @realDonaldTrump Who cares as long as he’s not taking money from crooks
@kausmickey @NRO @realDonaldTrump No mention of open borders Rubio’s cluster flucked finances?
@kausmickey @NRO It’s funny, @ScottAdamsSays covered this angle months ago, and why it doesn’t matter. Dump reading NR and just read Adams.
@kausmickey @NRO @realDonaldTrump Trump is correct when he says tax forms do not indicate how rich someone is. Only income, not net worth.
@kausmickey @NRO Wow, who knew “true conservatives” use Harry Reid tactics to spread unsubstantiated rumors against political opponents…
@kausmickey @NRO @realDonaldTrump words from a publication not worth listening to!
@kausmickey @cciedotnyc @NRO Do you own a 757? Do you know anybody that does?
@kausmickey @NRO lol
@kausmickey @NRO we throw crap at the wall in an effort to force you to answer. This should end well.
@kausmickey @NRO @cciedotnyc Taxes are not even due till April 15th. Get a life people.
@kausmickey @NRO @realDonaldTrump HE AIN’T GOT NO MONEY,HE JUST IN DEBT.
@kausmickey @NRO @cciedotnyc Year end taxes does not show your worth morons
@kausmickey @NRO Trump supporters don’t care he’s a BS artist as long as they love the BS he’s selling. That’s healthy.
@kausmickey @NRO They’re wracking those little brains. Picture it
@kausmickey @NRO @realDonaldTrump They are in @glennbeck territory nos. Completely unhinged. Lost all respect.
@kausmickey @NRO Trump derangement syndrome.
@kausmickey @NRO these guys are clowns, still not a fucking clue as to why Trump is so popular
@kausmickey @NRO @realDonaldTrump What’s your spin on Mar e lago H2B racism?
@kausmickey @NRO “Trump: Why He’s No Thurston Howell”
@kausmickey @NRO @realDonaldTrump most pundits at NRO have exposed themselves 2B pro-amnesty, open-borders Feckin Eejits! #SECPrimary #trump
@kausmickey @NRO then they clearly didn’t read @weeklystandard Trump’s success more than marginal https://t.co/oPP7sslA3E
@kausmickey @NRO @realDonaldTrump this was dreamed up at the NRO bathhouse after attending a seminar entitled, “pragmatism or principle?”
@kausmickey @NRO @realDonaldTrump https://t.co/OpDQPqIbyV