The Foxerdammerung approaches? Or is it the Afoxalypse? Seems almost entirely a self-inflicted wound. breitbart.com/big-journalism…
The Foxerdammerung approaches? Or is it the Afoxalypse? Seems almost entirely a self-inflicted wound. breitbart.com/big-journalism…
.@kausmickey .@instapundit https://t.co/acsh6up5KM
@kausmickey solid comments and more disturbing reality, time for EGO check!
@kausmickey Coming to @NRO as well?
@kausmickey @instapundit Boy, that article by @NolteNC is spot on!
@kausmickey whatever trumpians perception of FOX is, it’ll change once General elections starts and cnn, msnbc and @jack go hostile on trump
@kausmickey @instapundit @BreitbartNews The Trump writing on the wall?! It’s actually written in the snow, in pee. & the fight’s warming up.
@kausmickey NYT: WaPo 2013 said Rubio guys “monitoring to the minute how much time the hosts devoted to immigration”
@kausmickey & “they are heartened that the volume is much diminished.” Esp. O’Reilly & Hannity
@kausmickey I expect a wave of pundit suicides on March 16th.
@kausmickey Yup, Bret Baier panel was turn-off. I tweeted him he need a proTrump panelist and he tweeted back I should suggest someone. ??
@kausmickey Excellent observation by John Nolte. This is the opinion of many watching TV. Fox lately are pathetically pushing their agenda.