I never understood the argument that Trump wld ignore the Constitutuion (and Congress). Now I understand it even less. @DouthatNYT @johnfund
I never understood the argument that Trump wld ignore the Constitutuion (and Congress). Now I understand it even less. @DouthatNYT @johnfund
Trump is dispelling with the fiction that he’s a constitution-ignoring tyrant who’ll try to govern without getting laws through Congress
Dickerson really needs to tell the audience to pipe down.
Does Jeb! really think the gang of 8 bill was just an obscure Washington fight?
Cruz won the gang of 8 fight, even though he talks too damn slowly and loses effectiveness.
Rubio gets a little drop-down chart with his campaign season “get tough” points? Will he get another photo of his family?
Before this campaign is over we may have our first donor riot.
Trump is taking a page from the Hitchens debating style–never stop talking.
Kimberly Strassel is an anti-Trump champion. Which is fine but shouldn’t be moderating debate. @AnnCoulter has the goods in her timeline.
Here’s why I favor keeping the filibuster for SCOTUS nominees slate.com/articles/news_…
Jeb still haunted by Harriet Miers. Dude has a lot of issues.
We know from the initial cheers whom the audience (e.g. donors) is stacked with (Rubio/Cruz backers, with a bit of Jeb). Not Trump
If Ryan/McConnell/RNC/CofC all pledged no legalization (not Sessions-OKd) in 1st term wld take wind outta Trump no? kausfiles.com/2015/11/30/why…
Again, if Trump is such a threat to the Republic there’s a way to beat him kausfiles.com/2015/11/30/why… @BillKristol tws.io/1PTXUMU
Who talked the ambitious young Rubio into signing on to the disastrous Gang of 8 effort?spectator.org/articles/65453…
And when did GOP “senior leadership” ever make a big stand against race preferences/aff. action? twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
Think CM has 2 name names 2 make this plausible. GOP leaders I think of R into corporatism & making $ off reg. state twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
Karl Rove sez he doesn’t want his son 2 have 2 “make beds in Las Vegas.” Isn’t that elite snootiness CM talking abt? twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
Also: Murray sez “much of the senior leadership of the Republican Party” upholds “egalitarianism”/free mkts. Really? on.wsj.com/1SlNSX0
Doesn’t Jeb! look like a bit of an a-hole in this clip? Hard to believe R2R is promoting it twitter.com/r2rusa/status/…
Would be interested in knowing how broad-based audience for Sopranos or Game of Thrones is. Suspect v-broad. twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
Quibbles w/ Murray: “new upper class” is “seldom attracted” to “TV shows [that] are most popular” in mainstream US? on.wsj.com/1SlNSX0
Murray leaves “social equality” out of his definition of “national creed” but that’s mainly what his piece is about on.wsj.com/1SlNSX0
All this focus on immigration. It’s like voters are obsessed. Why aren’t they worried about the Ex-Im bank? nyti.ms/1PSfyk8