Trump stands ground (on Medicaid) vs Paul supporters’ demands & @politico derides him as un-savvy #moreunsavvyplease politico.com/story/2016/02/…
Trump stands ground (on Medicaid) vs Paul supporters’ demands & @politico derides him as un-savvy #moreunsavvyplease politico.com/story/2016/02/…
Another valuable addition to the @SchreckReports Museum of Error. They may need to build a new wing. twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
Politico Tues AM: “the NY billionaire’s insistence on running the campaign on gut instinct would cost him in [N.H]”
No Joke: Trump Can Win Plenty of Latinos thebea.st/1O62ty7
Uber, but for dispelling with the notion
Wasn’t the “rational basis” test destroyed in a 1972 law review article by Robert Nagel? It’s still taken seriously? twitter.com/TimothySandefu…
Maybe a smaller ceremony, perhaps in Farragut Square, early on 1/20/17 for the President of the Establishment Lane breitbart.com/big-government…
This tweet of mine has an arithmetic error in it. 2/3 of 24 is actually only 16%, not 18%. Makes argument stronger! twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
Sanders: Wages for HS graduates have gone down. Blames trade. I can think of another factor …
An apparently young Mick Jagger says what everyone is now thinking, and says it quite well instagram.com/p/BBoa48qGfRC/…
Trump got 40% of voters < $50K income; 32% of voters > $50k. Does that seem a BFD difference? Won all ed levels too twitter.com/reihan/status/…
But … but .. IT’S NOT JUST THE TRUMPENPROLETERIAT! Trump did well across all income groups cnn.com/election/prima… twitter.com/reihan/status/…
“a young man named Marco Rubio was deeply involved in it.” Pres. Obama praises Rubio’s Gang of 8 effort. So vicious. dailykos.com/story/2016/2/1…
I know that choice! But article is silly. We don’t expect Scarborough not to take sides. twitter.com/Mediaite/statu…
He wasn’t before?//”Jeb Bush finally finds his message: He’s the anti-Trump” fw.to/GdJ3bGO
Right-but why couldn’t Obama be impeached too? Our protections against dictatorship seem pretty strong (incl courts) twitter.com/MarkSKrikorian…
Were the Clinton years bad for African-Americans? Black child poverty rate plummeted by a third–45% to 30%. Chart–pewhispanic.org/files/2011/09/…
Hard to believe they (e.g. Sanders) are going to succeed in convincing African-Americans the Clinton years were bad for African-Americans.
In contrast, Trump’s 44% of the 64% Muslim-banners=28% of vote. His 50% of 41% deporters=20% of vote. V-crude methodology but suggestive.
In exits only 24% of voters listed “tells it like it is”–MSM’s fave explanation–as most impt. virtue. Trump got 2/3 = 18% of the voters
IT’S IMMIGRATION STUPID, PT. 2: 64% of GOP primary voters (!) favored temp. Muslim entry ban. Trump got 44% of these nytimes.com/2016/02/11/us/…
Nice try, @RedState. redstate.com/jaycaruso/2016… “Update” vitiates story (I’ve been there!). Trump attacked Common Core in that same speech.
Epic Marco salvage operation underway wp.me/p1kzlW-tai Not since the Glomar Explorer …
Whole NYT article reeked of buying Team Rubio spin about how they were headed toward victory until the malfunction twitter.com/Rumble_Trumble…