Right. And when it doesn’t work … twitter.com/BenjySarlin/st…
Right. And when it doesn’t work … twitter.com/BenjySarlin/st…
This is why they pay you the big bucks twitter.com/FoxNews/status…
Is that ‘shooting down’? Back in the day “no plans” was ‘keeping the door open,’ no? twitter.com/costareports/s…
Trump can still means-test, no? That’s the solution anyway. Still “protects” everyone. twitter.com/JohnJHarwood/s…
Hmm. The charity that employs Rubio’s wife gave out $250 in 2011? tampabay.com/blogs/the-buzz…
Sessions was being nice. twitter.com/mattyj2323/sta…
If I were a depressed anti-Trump Repub. the prospect of Rubio leading the party-in-exile might drive me to the edge twitter.com/jpodhoretz/sta…
Don’t be silly. Trump singlehandedly destroyed (dispelled?) the illusion that voters really want Gangof8 amnesty. twitter.com/ClemVegas37/st…
Debate: Rubio seemed more macho than usual about half the time, which helped him (think the evil blue makeup makes him tougher).
Favorite? Defeating Rubio is Job #1. If he somehow wins it’s a green light for Gangof8 II kausfiles.com/2016/02/05/the… twitter.com/USVeteran2/sta…
.@joshtpm thought Trump did better than I thought. Thought he did well enuf-esp. in 1st segments. Flagged in middle. twitter.com/joshtpm/status…
After Kasich’s nostalgia for the “time when things worked” he finally mentions that the Reagan-Bush immigration reform *didn’t* work.
Cruz did not “[lead] the fight against the Gang of 8 amnesty bill.” Sessions did. Cruz did the bare minimum, if that dailycaller.com/2013/08/08/if-…
Debate: Cruz said he’ll “fight against granting citizenship to those here illegally.” A tell he’ll still go 4 non-citizenship legalization.
Debate: Cruz said he’ll “fight against granting citizenship to those here illegally.” A tell he’ll still go 4 non-citizenship legalization.
Because that’s the way to stampede the GOPS into passing an Amnesty-First bill? Also Latino Decisions tells them. twitter.com/ThisIsFusion/s…
Or did @SpeakerRyan egg Romney into the ill-advised Trump hit, a la Nikki Haley? #justspeculatin twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
Anyway why are you sure Trump won’t like “family-friendly tax policy, my wage subsidies and relocation vouchers”? twitter.com/DouthatNYT/sta…
Why not let Trump control immigration & then Reformicons can dole tax breaks/vouchers/subsidies 2 hearts’ content? twitter.com/DouthatNYT/sta…
Controlling immig. the hard part of your pro-working class agenda. Tax breaks etc e-z part. Let Trump do hard part! twitter.com/DouthatNYT/sta…
Sorry. @StevenFHayes should not talk about “shilling.” Just don’t do it. twitter.com/stephenfhayes/…
“Trump isn’t quite as rich as he says he is!” Think you’ve finally found the winning anti-Trump message, @NRO. twitter.com/NRO/status/702…
Been waiting 4 GOP Estab. figures 2 give up & team w/Trump. So far the only ones are the candidates against him! twitter.com/reihan/status/…
I’m going w/ the “total jerk” theory. Someone-@murphymike? @stuartpstevens? together again!-convinced him good idea twitter.com/AnnCoulter/sta…
Maybe w/ Trump “favorability” d.n. mean what people think means. Means “I don’t approve of him.” But will vote 4 him twitter.com/HotlineJosh/st…