Why do I feel debate tonight is moment of peril 4 @realDonaldTrump? 1) Temptation 2 B nice guy 4 Telemundo 2) Media ready 4 change in story
Why do I feel debate tonight is moment of peril 4 @realDonaldTrump? 1) Temptation 2 B nice guy 4 Telemundo 2) Media ready 4 change in story
Worse. I think the benefits go to the Americans who lose jobs to a) Ryan’s “any willing worker” immigrants b) robots twitter.com/sunnnn4/status…
Gee, I wonder what the big issue in Texas is? projects.statesman.com/news/texas-pul… https://t.co/dY6SsrpWrl
Also makes T. Wolfe-like point about how elites and proles have flipped their roles usat.ly/1XOKwvn
Points out Trump not *just* a class thing. Also support among middle & affluent (which may grow) usat.ly/1XOKwvn
#8 Trump will win a chunk of the African-Amer vote. Doesn’t have 2 win even close 2 a majority to do big damage, no? twitter.com/MarkSKrikorian…
Yikes. Solution, more immi…. twitter.com/dpinsen/status…
Import of Reich’s inequality analysis is we’ve got 2 reserve unskilld nontradable jobs 4 Americans. He d.n. dare say twitter.com/NumbersUSA/sta…
It’s sort of like the “neg,” except applied to running for President. Why not give it a try? twitter.com/jpodhoretz/sta…
Old CW: You just have to be the last non-Trump left standing
New CW: You have to go after Trump, idiots! twitter.com/DavidMDrucker/…
“where his team has crafted the grassroots campaign that’s missing elsewhere” twitter.com/davidfrum/stat…
NV voter: “I don’t dislike Rubio, but I just feel like the mainstream media is pushing him so much.” t.usnews.com/Zi4m2z?src=usn…
Doesn’t baffle me! K St/Chamber/Corporate America wants mass immigration more than it wants to win GOP nom. twitter.com/PatrickRuffini…
Time for Ailes to sue for peace again? Or it’s going to be a looong 2016 for @FoxNews viewers …
I wouldn’t follow Rubio to a foam party, much less into battle. twitter.com/ksr10sfan/stat…
You do sometimes get the vibe that Rubio is running for VP … twitter.com/jacobwe/status…
Flow of Illegal Immigrant Children Into U.S. Expected to Rise in 2016 freebeacon.com/national-secur…
Trump immigration adviser: He would tell “the entire world that the day when you can come here illegally is over.” dailycaller.com/2016/02/23/tru…
Newsweek: “Micropenis, no micropenis — it almost doesn’t matter in the end.”
.@BuzzFeedAndrew Awaiting what I think will be your gracious, Tyler-like admission of hideous error! #therebut4… twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
Is Twitter’s dominant position protected by patents? Is so, it really is like company town (subject to First Amendment). Worse, actually>
Right. And that is the man @realDonaldTrump supporters should fear. … twitter.com/marcambinder/s…
Maybe Sanders will support it–most effective soak-the-rich scheme in years. Will soak lib fatcats too twitter.com/davidfrum/stat…
I think RCP average only counts the more recent shaded polls @ top. twitter.com/BuzzFeedAndrew…
Hesitated to retweet this: Don’t know Gatestone, worried about offending EU, Big Twitter. Better retweet it then twitter.com/MarkSKrikorian…