Really? Was “W” who decided GOP would secure its future by amnesty. Destroyed his 2d term, his party & his brother. twitter.com/conncarroll/st…
Really? Was “W” who decided GOP would secure its future by amnesty. Destroyed his 2d term, his party & his brother. twitter.com/conncarroll/st…
Except Trump didn’t underperform RCP average. See @BuzzFeedAndrew takeback in the replies. twitter.com/conncarroll/st…
If @politico were imposed on us by a foreign power we’d consider it an act of war! #maybegettingcarriedaway
Just as welfare was B. Clinton’s go-to issue in ’92, immigration is Trump’s go-to issue–e.g. ad aired B4 SC vote thehill.com/blogs/ballot-b…
Yes, that’s a good one. twitter.com/WriteReadRock/…
If you have a spare moment, it’s always fun to tweet out humiliatingly wrong pro-takes from hapless @politico. Eg politico.com/story/2015/07/…
That too twitter.com/steve_wickers/…
In ’92 not many wld have said “welfare reform” was “nation’s top issue.” Yet it elected Clinton b/c it set him apart. Same w/ immig & Trump
On immig. was active, monied bipartisan effort to delude abt pop. support 4 amnesty. Wound up deluding themselves twitter.com/jpodhoretz/sta…
Even before you know that he panics, he exudes manic energy and charm but not strength. twitter.com/mucha_carlos/s…
“Some version of these two scenarios seems the most likely.” twitter.com/jamestaranto/s…
What *does* happen with all the @R2USA money? Though this is a fine use for it. twitter.com/DavidMDrucker/…
‘Is it too late to buy a piece of this guy?’ twitter.com/RyanLizza/stat…
He does seem fragile. twitter.com/HeerJeet/statu…
Not sure this 100% due to social-media: Imagine ’68 Dem nom if primaries chose all delegates. HHH loses 2 insurgents twitter.com/MarkSKrikorian…
Stunning @NRO home page: Alt-universe. twitter.com/ByronYork/stat…
Thank you, Holy Father, for keeping immigration front and center
Who gets the money? twitter.com/conncarroll/st…
Isn’t the Establishment running a pawn as an alleged insurgent “reform candidate” the plot of The Great McGinty? @jpodhoretz?
No. Rubio ran away from amnesty, tried to talk tough, pretend he’d changed. Not forthright embrace like Jeb! twitter.com/allopolo/statu…
Abstracting from issues/record, if you hear Rubio talk he’s v-effective-until he talks abt himself as “45th President.” Then you go “what?”
Thanks. He’s now tilting Rubio, as you note /MT”@mattizcoop: Follow @Redistrict for the Cruz-Rubio battle for second.
.@seanhannity guests doing cartwheels to avoid crediting immigration issue for Trump’s win. It’s all that he “tells it like it is”!
Race for 2d in SC: Are there still uncounted absentees? You’d think they’d favor Cruz over late-rising Rubio realclearpolitics.com/elections/live…