GOP elite throw-it-into-the House strategy a) requires a 3P candidate to win at least one state-which one? b) might hurt GOP in House, no?
GOP elite throw-it-into-the House strategy a) requires a 3P candidate to win at least one state-which one? b) might hurt GOP in House, no?
“I love many of these countries that rip us off”–DT
Jeb! — Now we know the extent of GOP support for forthright defense of immigration amnesty bills-8%. A public service. #policymatters
Real story here is how electrifying, surging young Marco Rubio triumphantly finished 3d despite being burdened with big name endorsements
You had that joke on a save-get key … twitter.com/davidfrum/stat…
Rubio spent big in S.C. too — at least on ads. Way more than Cruz. … twitter.com/ConsultReid/st…
Megan Kelly interrupts to say Trump did worse than RCP average. But final RCP average had him at 31.8. realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/pr…
Exit polls shows that in top qualities voters looking for, “can bring change” and “tells it like it is” narrowly beat out “hates Fox”
Krauthammer: It was just that “hiccup” in New Hampshire the kept Rubio from sweeping to front …
Note: The immigration question on exit poll is one of those binary “legalize or deport” choices. Not only choices! Amazing 44% say deport
Gee, why aren’t they tuned in to @FoxNews at @realDonaldTrump headquarters? Fox anchors seem bugged by this
Hard to watch Megan Kelly–her fault or not she seems v-conflicted.
FOX now trying to praise Rubio as outsider candidate! …
First half hour of FOX coverage is basically what you’d design if you were Rubio campaign.
I hate watching videos. They take too many seconds. But, whatever you think of Trump, this one is pretty powerful… twitter.com/Maxinerunner/s…
2. Don’t have 2 be white working class 2 fight snobs via Trump. All Americans may want to defend non-snob idea of US twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
1. Immigration issue @ bottom also abt social equality–can unskilled American workers still lead lives of respect? twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
C Crook on Trump supporters: It’s all about social equality/respect. (It’s always about respect!) 2 comments/caveats twitter.com/clive_crook/st…
I try 2 avoid GamerGate-a black hole that sucks in all who try 2 grok. Twitter taking sides seems recipe 4 implosion reason.com/blog/2016/02/2…
Question is whether the Rubios’ inspiring immigrant upward mobility got a JATO assist from drug money … twitter.com/JdgfanaticJon/…
Calm, sensible article on Twitter banning @rsmccain. Not giving you the reasons why you’re banned especiall creepy reason.com/blog/2016/02/2…
Does Rubio think it’s to his credit that he doesn’t credential a conservative outfit-Breitbart-that criticizes him? thegatewaypundit.com/2016/02/boom-m…
When they came for @rsmccain I said nothing … and they came for me by breakfast the next day. #faster twitter.com/Nero/status/70…
Rubio on Breitbart: : “We don’t even credential them to our events.” Who does he think he is, Twitter?