So Rubio promised ICE union chief changes in the Gangof8 bill that never happened?
So Rubio promised ICE union chief changes in the Gangof8 bill that never happened?
Time to revive the Logan Valley doctrine & hold that Twitter is a public free speech space (like a town square)? Just a thought #freestacy
Priorities … twitter.com/JayS2629/statu…
RE-REUPPING: Why Rubio is a K-St. kill shot aimed at the Jeff Sessions immigration-control movement kausfiles.com/2016/02/05/the…
1/3 of South Carolina’s Manufacturing Jobs Have Disappeared Since NAFTA breitbart.com/big-government…
Isn’t the hip non-“obsolete” thing 2 recognize that coming economy needs fewer unskilled workers-so need Trump wall? nyti.ms/1RbK6MN
We can happily debate skilled v. unskilled immig, if control flow. Problem is Rubio/Gangof8 would have ceded control nyti.ms/1RbK6MN
Brooks admits cultural concerns “very legitimate” & unskilled immig. hurts wages, but immig. control “obsolete.” OK! nyti.ms/1RbK6MN
I learn from Brooks that my views on immig. are “obsolete.” I thought it lowers unskilled wages. Oh wait, it does… nyti.ms/1RbK6MN
Prob w/ Brooks-If you decide 2 admit > skilled immigrants & < unskilled but don’t seal border, unskilled come anyway nyti.ms/1RbK6MN
.@nytdavidbrooks concession that unskilled immig lowers unskilled wages suggests he’s been looking @ the evidence nyti.ms/1RbK6MN
In fact, @nytdavidbrooks admission that unskilled immig. lowers wages is HUGE concession. That’s who’s been screwed nyti.ms/1RbK6MN
Brooks Graf 11: Immig has “little effect” on wages Graf 15: Fewer unskilled immg. wld “raise the wages” of unskilled nyti.ms/1RbK6MN
Did CBS Create a Special Graphic to Help Sell Marco Rubio at Saturday’s Debate? nymag.com/daily/intellig… via @intelligencer
Rubio BFFs you’ll learn abt if he’s nominee-#2-David Rivera:”might very well be the most corrupt member of Congress” politico.com/magazine/story…
Rubio friends you’ll hear more about if he’s nominee: #1: Orlando Cicilia–brother-in-law, convicted coke trafficker politico.com/magazine/story…
REUPPING: Why Marco Rubio means amnesty, mass immigration, and the perverse resurgence of the GOP’s DC lobbyist wing kausfiles.com/2016/02/05/the…
ELECTABLE? Huge vein of potential Rubio tawdriness still there to be mined politico.com/magazine/story… Start w/ Orlando Cicilia, David Rivera
MSM out 2 get Trump-if was big scandal we’d’ve heard. Not so w/ Rubio-not in crosshairs. If U R Dem U R holding back twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
Speaking of expectations-3d place is now clearly Worse Than Expected for Rubio, no? Essentially tie w/Cruz in polls. realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/pr…
Vicious Expectations-Raising on @realDonaldTrump by @NRO twitter.com/RichLowry/stat…
Media making big deal of “Yeah, I guess so” politico.com/story/2016/02/… Ignore later 1/03 “perhaps shldn’t be doing it” twitter.com/AJDelgado13/st…
“Marco Rubio Moved To Tears By Pope” Has good short summary of Rubio’s pro-amnesty/mass immigration history
Reposting from ’14-“Moe Tucker Conservatives” dailycaller.com/2014/10/09/moe… Relevant to nyti.ms/1osRdrg & usatoday.com/story/opinion/…
If GOP divided into 3 roughly equal parts why should we expect candidate of the donor/leadership third to get 51%? nyti.ms/20FLV7w