Makes the case that (whoever knew what about WMDs) attacking “W” provided a catharsis central to Trump’s cause usat.ly/1Xzh7Fk
Makes the case that (whoever knew what about WMDs) attacking “W” provided a catharsis central to Trump’s cause usat.ly/1Xzh7Fk
Don’t think so//”virtually ensuring that the issue dominates the news in the run-up to the South Carolina primary” vox.com/2016/2/18/1105…
“We must not be taken aback by their numbers” Hmmm. There’s no number that’s back-takenable?
I dunno. Plan was 3-2-1. SC was the 1. Plus electrifying! surge, game-changer! endorsements & “debate of his life!” twitter.com/McCormackJohn/…
Except Rubio’s talking points were better-written … twitter.com/BuzzFeedAndrew…
Electrifying twitter.com/stephenfhayes/…
Short version of the GOP campaign so far: twitter.com/AnnCoulter/sta…
Robert F. Nagel? Michael McConnell? twitter.com/AP_Politics/st…
In CA too they seem 2 have figured out how to make DMV friendlier. I think they realize it’s stand-in for all of gov twitter.com/jamestaranto/s…
Official @CBSNews response to query on why Rubio–only Rubio–got debate graphic:”I have got nothing for you.” twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
Still no sign of electrification media.bloomberg.com/bb/avfile/rzLl…
“Marco Rubio believes in amnesty, which I don’t” — Nikki Haley wapo.st/1JLr4gq?tid=ss…
‘Why didn’t you pass this bad bill that I now oppose when you had the chance?’ twitter.com/SabrinaSiddiqu…
Rubio actually let Obama bait him into defending the “comprehensive reform? Rubio now says he doesn’t want? twitter.com/SabrinaSiddiqu…
Harmonic convergence of anti-Rubio themes: Poll-tested pro-amnesty talking points were robotic mycmag.kantarmediana.com/KMIcmagvidbin2…
Seems like effective ad. a) Blunt (“sell us out again”) b) Fusion of Rubio critiques — pro-amnesty & robotic twitter.com/RMConservative…
Back when @RichLowry was praising Trump, before he decided Rubio was “vastly preferable” (what changed?) politico.com/magazine/story…
Ya think? twitter.com/ByronYork/stat…
Why it’s important to punish Rubio for Gang of 8 even if you think he has a bright future kausfiles.com/2016/01/17/no-…
.@RichLowry Is this worst piece you’ve ever published? Hope so! Insincere campaign doc, written entirely in cliches nationalreview.com/article/431381…
Seems like @CBSNews should respond. Maybe there’s an innocent explanation. Sure looked like insider favoritism. twitter.com/AJDelgado13/st…
CBS Runs Pro-Rubio Immigration Graphic During GOP Debate breitbart.com/big-government…
Low, low, lower expectations! Rubio just has to finish ahead of Jeb! to be “establishment’s comeback Kid” #savemarco politico.com/story/2016/02/…
“Immigration is a Deal-Breaker — No to Rubio 2016” nationalreview.com/article/430926…