Don’t think you have 2 squint @ AZ data 2 see positive wage effects of immigration reduction wsj.com/articles/the-t… twitter.com/ModeledBehavio…
Don’t think you have 2 squint @ AZ data 2 see positive wage effects of immigration reduction wsj.com/articles/the-t… twitter.com/ModeledBehavio…
Why isn’t Arizona a better case study (of negative effects of illegal immigration on wages) than the Marielitos? on.wsj.com/1nZ9Piu
Re: Iraq–Doesn’t anyone make the argument that W eventually won a tenuous semi-victory & Obama threw it away? twitter.com/ByronYork/stat…
Untrustworthy, tendentious history by someone who can’t have been there! Remind me not to buy the forthcoming book politico.com/magazine/story…
Fortas lost due only 2 bigotry/antiliberalism? Really? 1/2 of DC knew he was sleazeball operator-even if not how bad politico.com/magazine/story…
Was effect of Citizens United that (in both parties) the big donors *lost*? on.wsj.com/1KeLSxh
“Hedge-funders thought they owned the GOP. Too bad they forgot to buy the base!” on.wsj.com/1KeLSxh
Per New Hampshire spin: 5th is where you want to be! 3rd is really peaking too soon. twitter.com/sahilkapur/sta…
Well they were planning to drop some of the border security measures they put in just for show #corkerhoeven twitter.com/JessicaV_CIS/s…
Rubio closing statement-“I support this reform” + campaign-bio/ode to immigration youtube.com/watch?v=lZjX_0… Forgot 2 mention how he opposed it
Here’s video of Rubio’s closing speech for Gangof8 bill youtube.com/watch?v=lZjX_0… Still don’t hear part about how he doesn’t want it to pass
Rubio’s prepared closing speech supporting Gang of 8 rubio.senate.gov/public/index.c… He left out the part about how he didn’t want it to become law.
Here’s @ABC NH debate video youtube.com/watch?v=E_oYqH… In closings they cut 2 Rubio’s family-twice, cued 2 his pitch. Don’t show anyone else’s
“Ryan is nothing if not Mr. Acceptable.” As Monty Python would say, “This is where my claim falls to the ground.” nationalreview.com/corner/431311/…
The House was going to make the Gang of 8 bill “even better.” What you mean “even”? PS Boy does he look nervous here twitter.com/American_Bridg…
I was waiting for this. A terrible idea waiting to happen.//”Paul Ryan for President!” natl.re/M3riFG
.@MariaBartiromo something of a hero here-points out that immig control IS anti-poverty strategy. Ryan uncomfortable breitbart.com/big-government…
HOSTAGE TO NEXIS//@JamesFallows: “I believe he is completely making this up.” theatlantic.com/politics/archi…
Interview Transcript Proves Rubio Promised Hispanics en Español He’d Keep Executive Amnesty in Place – Breitbart
Remembers Trump being against Iraq War on Howard Stern before it was launched … twitter.com/PhillipsPasha/…
Are we sure only Rubio got the special little graphic? Can’t figure out how to fast forward through the debate video twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
.@johndickerson Is there an explanation? Thanks. #atleastImnotparanoid twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
On ABC Rubio gets a cutaway shot to his family; now he gets special tough-looking immig graphic. 3 will be a trend. Heck, already a trend
See this timeline for interesting info on the mysterious pro-Rubio @CBSNews graphic twitter.com/AJDelgado13/st…
This was v-odd-@CBSNews? Did any other candidate get a little chart portraying them as tough on their weakest issue? twitter.com/AJDelgado13/st…