44 Possible sign the Newt-for-Veep campaign didn’t go so well? twitter.com/maggieNYT/stat… Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey pretty sure there’s a Newt-for-Cabinet-position campaign still afoot
@kausmickey @maggieNYT that’s fine; he’s a weak VP candidate. He worked to pass NAFTA, after all
@kausmickey Or meta-signaling that Newt is Truly Independent and can be trusted to balance Trump. Who knows.
@kausmickey @maggieNYT yep Newt is probably not the VP. Otherwise why go hard on him.
@kausmickey I wish I had a nickle for every time one of these people said, “this is the worst mistake Trump has made”
@kausmickey @ASavageNation said a long time ago Newt would not be good for @realDonaldTrump . Savage was right!!!! #WiseManOnceSaid
@kausmickey keep reiterating that @realDonaldTrump VP pick MUST BE AN IMPEACHMENT INSURANCE PICK. Estblmnt Repubs have 2 be afraid 2 impeach
@maggieNYT @kausmickey I hope so…We need Newt helping Trump
@kausmickey Also a sign that Trump probably shouldn’t have said the stuff about the judge. I see no upside on this one. Newt right
@kausmickey @maggieNYT No Newt. He’s not to be trusted. Can’t stand him. Ugh #Trump2016
@kausmickey Don’t overthink
@kausmickey Newt is much like Trump in that he speaks his mind, and lets the cards fall where they may. Trump needs to reign it in sometimes
@kausmickey @maggieNYT Or a sign that even newt found a line he couldn’t cross. Will you and @seanhannity ever find such a line Mickey?
@kausmickey @maggieNYT @newtgingrich perfect 4 veep bc he trump listens to him. blast of fresh air compared to silence=loyalty of GWB
@maggieNYT @kausmickey @newtgingrich yes CoS or DefSec
@kausmickey @maggieNYT I know a judge who gives his own ethnicity unsecured bail and everyone else cash bail. Biased judges are commonplace.
@kausmickey this is a good thing
@kausmickey @maggieNYT it was never a possibility, he offered nothing as VP, only downside.
@kausmickey @maggieNYT As a Trump supporter,I concur with Newt. My guy @realDonaldTrump must work on articulation of the message / argument.