I mean, you can still be for gun control, pro-Obama and against Trump while recognizing what this was … twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
I mean, you can still be for gun control, pro-Obama and against Trump while recognizing what this was … twitter.com/kausmickey/sta…
@kausmickey Apparently you can’t. Not and be part of the Tribe.
@kausmickey Should’ve polled which religion was more responsible: Islam or Christianity, and we’d see if Dems still sided w/ Voxsplainers.
@kausmickey Stories of violent childhood/interest in ISIS,AQ, law enforcement/repressed homosexuality–u can still recognize complexity
@kausmickey Sheeple gonna sheep
@kausmickey The attack in Orlando was state sponsored terror that will continue under our Islamist in chief, don’t you dare think otherwise!
@kausmickey MSM: mission accomplished. MSM is amazingly powerful, most Americans don’t trust it, but believe it at micro level.
@kausmickey How is there any question? The guy is on record. This country is doomed, isn’t it?
@kausmickey The replacement of thought with signalling of affiliation. I think of the OJ trial, Havel’s greengrocer. Auto-totalitarianism.
@kausmickey The guy calling 911 on the phone while in the act to announce his reasons for doing it isn’t persuasive?
@kausmickey – I don’t think we know for sure what this guy was doing. He was closeted. The ISIS thing might be window dressing.
@kausmickey https://t.co/6zpVNsa1C7
@kausmickey Orlando: terrorism or gun control issue? We have a partisan split over reality. Truly sad.
@kausmickey @Glaivester But if you’re for one, pro the other and against him, your credibility is already questionable. You still vote MORON
.@BushwackCA I think @kausmickey’s point was that even w/left’s support for GC and BO, that only 29% see Islamic connection is shocking.
@kausmickey #BHO/#HRC/#Dem “leadership” are grossly overplaying their hand by their in-your-face denials of obvious facts @ #Orlando #Jihad.