Shocking/alarming that 29% of Dems think Orlando was act of “Islamic terrorism” vs. “domestic gun violence,” no? gallup.com/poll/192842/re…
Shocking/alarming that 29% of Dems think Orlando was act of “Islamic terrorism” vs. “domestic gun violence,” no? gallup.com/poll/192842/re…
RT @kausmickey: Shocking/alarming that 29% of Dems think Orlando was act of “Islamic terrorism” vs. “domestic gun violence,” no? https://t.…
@kausmickey Shocking/alarming but hardly surprising…
@kausmickey would like to see a poll on how Americans define Muslim, Islam, terrorist, allegiance, gun control and gun free zone.
@kausmickey What’s disturbing is what it’s going to take to change their minds.
@kausmickey What I find alarming is that only 29% see it as Islamic terrorism… @MelissaTweets 1/2
@kausmickey But 60% think blocking terrorists from purchasing guns will help the problem. If it’s not terrorism…WHY? @MelissaTweets 2/2
@kausmickey @MelissaTweets No. Not shocking at all, unfortunately. The Dem party is dominated by Useful Idiots.
@kausmickey The Left has lost its brain, if it had one.
@kausmickey You’re an uncommonly honest man Mickey.
@kausmickey MSM covers it that way. So of course most think of it as the lone wolf. Some know better but say it because they r like Obama.
@kausmickey Hopelessly brainwashed. Facts don’t work. Logic doesn’t work. No idea how to even engage those people, so I’ve stopped trying.
@kausmickey And they say WE live in a bubble!
@kausmickey @JohnRiversToo I’m surprised it’s that high. Most of them are sub-human.