Who’d tell Hillary no? Bill cldn’t do it during ’94 Hillarycare disaster (b/c of his cheating, sez @JeffreyToobin) usat.ly/2f15KHg
Who’d tell Hillary no? Bill cldn’t do it during ’94 Hillarycare disaster (b/c of his cheating, sez @JeffreyToobin) usat.ly/2f15KHg
@kausmickey @JeffreyToobin If Hillary wins, no to Dems will get feebler and feebler. One-party state, stacked courts, US version of Mex PRI
@kausmickey @JeffreyToobin In fact, as the amnesties kick in, the Dems will literally become the PRI. Kaine is already kissing Mexico’s ring
@kausmickey @JeffreyToobin @USATODAY Truth! #MAGAx3 #draintheswamp #HappyHalloween
@kausmickey @JeffreyToobin Are you married, Mickey? How often do you tell your wife no?
@kausmickey @JeffreyToobin @USATODAY Mickey, who are you voting for? But yes I agree no controls on her which is what left says about Trump.
@kausmickey @JeffreyToobin @USATODAY
Some people underestimate some other people.
@kausmickey @JeffreyToobin Finally a topic where Toobin knows something – a good argument for law schools’ move to experiential learning.
@kausmickey @JeffreyToobin @USATODAY Jimmy Carter said of Hillarycare – I hope they have a secret plan, because theā¦ https://t.co/fyAiZeB04T