It’s a “metaphor”! It’s an “analogy”! Fresh-from-Fusion @tedhesson rounds up usual suspects 2 undermine Trump’s wall politi.co/2g1bMKp
It’s a “metaphor”! It’s an “analogy”! Fresh-from-Fusion @tedhesson rounds up usual suspects 2 undermine Trump’s wall politi.co/2g1bMKp
@kausmickey @tedhesson Trump is DOA if the wall isn’t built.
@kausmickey @tedhesson @politico Didn’t really believe the Chamber of Commerce was going to allow this, right?
@kausmickey @tedhesson @politico Disinformation from opponents?
@kausmickey @tedhesson @politico anyone saying this crap needs to be primaried.
@kausmickey @tedhesson @politico so clueless
@kausmickey I think Newt Gingrich did that when he said Mexico paying for the wall was a “campaign device”
@tedhesson @kausmickey not really. Was clear that wall will be built w/ or w/o MX paying for it. Wld be nice. Never a direct payment either.
.@kausmickey @tedhesson “many”