The more you think about it, the more “tax reform” could be strategy to soak up available Congressional attention &… twitter.com/i/web/status/7…
The more you think about it, the more “tax reform” could be strategy to soak up available Congressional attention &… twitter.com/i/web/status/7…
@kausmickey what is k street?
@kausmickey They could solve multiple problems if they would spent less time calling for donor funds, hours per day, and more time on US/A.
.@kausmickey The only “tax reform” to be considered early on should be the corporate tax issue, as it relates to economic nationalism.
.@kausmickey Trump shld even signal to Dems willingness to drop personal income tax cuts for top bracket to get corporate tax decrease.
Also, keep them the hell away from my Medicare! @kausmickey
@kausmickey trump won’t deport as many immigrants as Obama has. He’s already moderating his position. Give it up
@kausmickey just cut taxes across the board to start