20 Ana Navarro is on tilt, as @jbarro would say. … twitter.com/ananavarro/sta… Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey @jbarro Gtta stay on Jeb!’s good side, keep those consulting checks rolling in.
@kausmickey @jbarro @ananavarro it’s pretty sick when you start calling ppl racist for no real reason at all other than you don’t like them.
@kausmickey @jbarro Is she making the woo-woo noise like a pinball machine? #becomespartofthemachine
@kausmickey @jbarro @ananavarro maybe we should call Anna a child molester. There’s no real proof of that either. But so what.
.@TheVoiceOfPaulR @kausmickey @jbarro @ananavarro is too unschooled to “not like” Sessions. She knows absolutely nothing. She’s mimicking
@kausmickey @jbarro @ananavarro I believe it’s “breathe” why you no speak English
@JoscoJVTeam @TheVoiceOfPaulR @kausmickey @jbarro @ananavarro Sessions got death penalty for KKK head & desegregated schools in Alabama.
@kausmickey @jbarro #MSMeliteCultists respond to #FailedProphecy of #ContinuingProgMillennium by more & louder warnings of #DoomsdayIsNigh.
@American_Momma @TheVoiceOfPaulR @JoscoJVTeam @kausmickey @jbarro @ananavarro please post sources so morons can’t argue their stupid points.
@InMyFnOpinion @TheVoiceOfPaulR @JoscoJVTeam @kausmickey @jbarro @ananavarro https://t.co/S5k6yILPwJ
@kausmickey @jbarro What’s worse is you can’t even find white paper bags any more.
@kausmickey @jbarro It’s sad when CNN’s “token Republican” is Navarro. They are REALLY not trying to present both sides. #MSM
@kausmickey @TheVoiceOfPaulR @jbarro @ananavarro
Sorry, Ana, America is sick to death of whiny practitioners of identity politics. #rino
@kausmickey @jbarro how does she stay on tv with such hate? quite sad to see
@kausmickey > a man at night and a man in the morning @jbarro? I would hope so. The CreedMore Mental Institution in NJ awaits your arrival.<
@kausmickey @jbarro @ananavarro Saw her on TV having a meltown over Trump. She agrees with that dick Jorge Ramos. They’re both racists!