Does not seem terrifying. It *is* speech. So we have an argument. Would become terrifying if he tried to shut down… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
Does not seem terrifying. It *is* speech. So we have an argument. Would become terrifying if he tried to shut down… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
@kausmickey Bigger fear: Trump disdain for “rude” dissent normalizes efforts to limit speech in subtle yet troubling ways at local levels.
@kausmickey @TheVoiceOfPaulR @gabrielsherman Yawn…
@kausmickey wow, its like the revival of the greatest generation calling out bad behavior. Such a breath of fresh air
@kausmickey @RandyEBarnett @gabrielsherman not terrifying but certainly inappropriate for a president elect
@kausmickey Maybe Pence can borrow some of Trump’s legal brigade & sue the cast 4 pleading for mercy for what is about to befall this nation
@kausmickey We can expect 4 more years of liberals trying to censor Trump while playing the victim card.
@kausmickey Or use the IRS to shut them down, or the NSA to spy on them. The DOJ to sue them, threaten them… oh, that was OBAMA…. Ohhh
@kausmickey @gabrielsherman Let them keep preaching their racist bigot mantra.They STILL have no clue y conservatives are winning everything
@kausmickey @gabrielsherman the @CivilRights should charge hamilton’s producers for criminal racial discrimination for their casting call.
@kausmickey @gabrielsherman https://t.co/4MqbhJQo1G