Genius @SpeakerRyan strategy: Suck @realDonaldTrump into Medicare voucher quagmire-so no time/energy for immigration nyti.ms/2gllEez
Genius @SpeakerRyan strategy: Suck @realDonaldTrump into Medicare voucher quagmire-so no time/energy for immigration nyti.ms/2gllEez
@kausmickey @SpeakerRyan @realDonaldTrump @nytimes give trump and his team credit to know what they r dealing with
@kausmickey @SpeakerRyan @realDonaldTrump he’s been dealing with corrupt bureaucrats his whole life in NYC. He will be fine.
@kausmickey @SpeakerRyan @realDonaldTrump The people demand premium support
@dkava76 @kausmickey @SpeakerRyan @realDonaldTrump – He’ll figure out how to leverage the fight to his advantage.
@kausmickey @SpeakerRyan cant c @realDonaldTrump mired down in anything,will give direction,ask4options,analyze,decide,execute,move on2next
@kausmickey he should just say he’ll veto anything that hits his desk and that would end it immediately
@kausmickey @SpeakerRyan @realDonaldTrump .Speakers can be replaced easier than Presidents….
@kausmickey @SpeakerRyan @realDonaldTrump get rid of Paul Ryan, he is a snake.
.@sartoris1960: FYI, @kausmickey thinks Kobach – who’s in effect *helped* the ACLU – would make a good DHS secy: https://t.co/3oT1xrlUqX