One day it will be fashionable to be a simple egg. An expression of solidarity. There will be Egg Pride marches and… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
One day it will be fashionable to be a simple egg. An expression of solidarity. There will be Egg Pride marches and… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
@kausmickey It will be a populist movement, beloved by the simple yolks.
@kausmickey potential Treasury pick Allison wants to ease immigration restrictions and employed open-border loons: https://t.co/Ye7mWm4RkR
@kausmickey I do get a kick out the occasional insult the egg provokes.
@kausmickey @wyclif up with eggs!
@HeyMickeyHeyMic @kausmickey yeah, but Immigration isn’t in treasury secretary portfolio. His thoughts on Fed and monetary policy look good
@HeyMickeyHeyMic @kausmickey CATO now like a Soros manqué, an alternative gang for Strangelovian maniacs but they observe Casual Fridays