YA THINK? Dems wonder if ‘identity politics’ did them in washex.am/2geYRVF Points finger at the youngs on HRC staff.
YA THINK? Dems wonder if ‘identity politics’ did them in washex.am/2geYRVF Points finger at the youngs on HRC staff.
Trump on Ayotte working for him: ‘No, thank you’ politi.co/2fCq94L Someone at @nytimes was pushing Ayotte?
Hidden Ipsos Poll: Public Strongly Backs Donald Trump’s Plan To ‘Pause’ Legal Immigration – Breitbart
Then it’d be “Trump turns normally open process into secretive backroom dealng not unlike his tax returns.” Sub: “T… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
This was a bit of a spectacle, outside JFK’s home in 1960. There’s even a plaque across the street.… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
“Trump Turns Staid Process Into Spectacle as Aspirants Parade to His Door” nyti.ms/2eTXLie Doesn’t it usually turn into a spectacle?
Keep an eye on Silvio Dante. He seems unpredictable … twitter.com/WriteReadRock/…
Question’s whether Trump lets it happen no? K St idea that Trump’s election wld let him sign Ryan’s bills always se… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
“Muscling through tax reform” sure looks like way 2 muscle *out* Trump’s chance 2 accomplish much else in 100 days politico.com/story/2016/11/…
Kobach is a guy @realDonaldTrump would appoint if he wanted to get the job done vs. placate/reward friends & foes. twitter.com/Indianempire/s…
Democrats practically begging GOP to try to Ryanize Medicare talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/medicar… (One reason I think GOP will somehow bury Ryan plan)
Time for some traffic problems in Nogales? Christie’d be a TERRIBLE choice 4 DHS. He voted (by proxy) 4 Gang of 8 politico.com/blogs/donald-t…
Democrats want to go to Mars. Republicans want to go to the moon. It’s like Coke (D) & Pepsi (R). twitter.com/conncarroll/st…
OK, NOW I’M TERRIFIED: Donald Trump Meeting Ari Emanuel in New Jersey hollywoodreporter.com/news/donald-tr…
Does not seem terrifying. It *is* speech. So we have an argument. Would become terrifying if he tried to shut down… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…
Psst. One of S Mnuchin’s partners in the big One West rescue/resale was…George Soros. forbes.com/sites/nathanva… Not that there’s anything…
Well, some safety-net programs–eg Soc Sec–are work-tested and some are not. People draw a distinction between the… twitter.com/i/web/status/7…
Merciless. Bodes well for the show, though Tucker might have trouble getting anyone to go on with him after that. twitter.com/AnnCoulter/sta…
Immig. may be 4 current Dems what welfare was 4 B. Clinton-if you aren’t for controlling it mid class voters don’t… twitter.com/i/web/status/7…
Immigration a “threshold issue” for … Dems. Need to secure borders in order to make pitch to Trumpy working class kausfiles.com/2016/11/17/the…
It was supposed to be the GOPs who needed to ‘take immigration off the table.’ Turns out it’s the Dems kausfiles.com/2016/11/17/the…
Business idea: Trolldeck — like Tweetdeck, except only has people who’ve blocked you.
Those robots don’t build themselves, you know. … Oh wait. They do. twitter.com/techreview/sta…
Interesting. Not something they’d have said in October. #weakening twitter.com/HotlineJosh/st…
I suppose it’s immature to note that “Crybaby Hugbox” is a #goodbandname