Key pt: Many in HFC “really don’t oppose” Ryan anti-bordersism. But they’re not only GOPs who cld feel constit. heat
Key pt: Many in HFC “really don’t oppose” Ryan anti-bordersism. But they’re not only GOPs who cld feel constit. heat
“By ‘build the wall’ he really meant ‘fix our broken immigration system.” GOP campaign to gut Trumpism underway! breitbart.com/2016-president…
“A very substantial minority”–Ominous Quote-O-The-Day for @SpeakerRyan. Voice vote hid size of opposition faction. If >20 in Jan = trouble.
The “no rational basis” test is a crock–debunked in 82 YALE L.J. 123 (1972) twitter.com/ByronYork/stat…
Twitter looks to me a lot like the Logan Valley shopping center firstamendmentcenter.org/assembly-on-pr…. I’m told SCOTUS won’t agre… twitter.com/i/web/status/7…
Is Twitter trying to sell itself to GrubHub? usatoday.com/story/tech/new…
That was my 1st reaction. But then it was so obviously cut & pasted from Ryan’s BS messaging. Like “fix our broken… twitter.com/i/web/status/7…
Like writing a @Newsweek cover story on Wednesday. You know the editors are going to rip it up & switch covers on T… twitter.com/i/web/status/7…
Not as big a mess as I expected://”Firings and Discord Put Trump Transition Team in a State of Disarray” nyti.ms/2eBBbdT
‘Well, Trump was really saying what I’ve been saying all along.” Stealth campaign to gut Trump’s mandate has begun
Those who wanted to delay Ryan vote “a very substantial minority,” according to Rep. Tom Cole, who wasn’t in it. huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-t…
Why don’t Dems immediately counter by proposing to lower the Medicare eligibility age to 55? A debate they can win. twitter.com/jonathanchait/…
Given that they aren’t going to come right out and say “voucherize Medicare” this language IS troubling. Good way 2… twitter.com/i/web/status/7…
How long before Twitter comes with a default SJW Pack of words that will be muted? (Words like “SJW”) …
New twitter feature lets you mute abusive words, phrases. Hmm: “Comprehensive” …”stakeholder”…
Easy to find a GOP to fill Sessions’ seat. Hard to find anyone–GOP or not–who is 100% reliable on immigration and… twitter.com/i/web/status/7…
I’d missed this: @RepDaveBrat–The election wasn’t about Ryan’s “Better Way” Brat’s right about that, no?
Samuelson: Uncertainty from ambitious change threatens growth.
Isn’t that an argument against any ambitious change? wpo.st/jyXE2
Impressive 100-days graf. But E-verify & wall are things you need to do in first 100 days. Not sure “tax reform” is
Carpe Diem, Mr. Trump
Seems like Mulvaney has been itching to sell out & join leadership for years– see, e.g. nytimes.com/2014/02/22/us/… twitter.com/rachaelmbade/s…
Ryan: Amer. people demand “we actually fix these country’s problems.” Translation: I’m still pursuing my unpopular policy ideas.
Ryan jumping Trump’s train now, but clearly intends to pursue his unpopular Medicare (& immig?) plans. Predict crash thehill.com/blogs/floor-ac…
Ryan: ‘Trump likes me! He really likes me!’ politi.co/2fChtM6